Friday, July 20, 2007

The real Matrix of this world..

Many of us has seen the Holywood movie Matrix (part 1) in which the movie try to take us to the concept that majority of human beings are living their life in virtual world which is hijacked by machines. In that virtual world, humans are enjoying every event of their life, they are going to school, watching movies, going out with friends, eating, enjoying, facing problems, etc. That life is just similar to our actual world. But the only difference is that our life is virtual NOT REAL. Virtual means, as per designed by machines not as what we want. This concept seems difficult to digest but when we see our current life which we are living, it also seems same.


All our ideas, concepts and thinkings are developed in the conditions which are set according to shape which the machine wants. Here machine is Western colonial powers who wants to monitor and lead every human in his personal and social life. The main tool which is used to give shape to our behaviour is Media. Media is such a sharp tool that it can give any shape to our view point for certain group or party. For example, in Israel Hezbullah war, Israel has invaded the boundaries of Lebanon and was trying to occupy the capital city Beruit. With all this, they had almost destroyed every multi storage building of south Beruit. With this Israili forces has killed more than 1000 civilians including women and children. While Hezbullah forces are fighting for saftey of their own lands not killing any of Israili civilians except Israili forces. Then also people around the globe are considering Hezbullah as terrorist organization because Media is with Israel.

So the real matrix is the thinking and our view point which is now a days biased and forged according to western colonial countries. They are not giving us sufficient space and time where we can shape our thinking according to our own abilities and knowledge. They are providing us false knowledge via news channels, their point of views and false propaganda on each and every incidiences.

So if we want to be Neo of the Matrix, who has broken up the false web of machines, we too need to woke up and try to see this world from our own point of view rather than looking it from western propaganda.

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